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Fundamental principle in a sentence

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Sentence count:69Posted:2017-10-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fundamentalfundamentalsfundamentallylegal principlefundamentalistfundamentalismfundamental analysisfundamentMeaning: n. principles from which other truths can be derived. 
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31, The paper describes the fundamental principle of acid-making off-gas treatment by ammonia-acid method and its application in Yunnan Copper.
32, The fundamental principle of regulating insider trading is that insider trading erodes the fiduciary relationship that lies at the heart of our business organizations.
33, The fundamental principle hardware configuration and software design of a microcomputerbased automatic control system for winch type impact drill rig is described.
34, Based on coupled-mode theory, the fundamental principle that photorefractive volume grating is used as a wave filter for WDM is discussed.
35, As the regulation and the system of contract, the privity of contract have been recognized and respected widely as the fundamental principle in common law and continental law.
36, This paper briefly introduces the fundamental principle and major devices of superconductive electronics. The recent development in this area is reported and the probable future trends are discussed.
37, Nowadays, insurable interest has become a fundamental principle of the insurance law.
38, So, the principle of budget openness should be established as a fundamental principle of budget law.
39, This paper narrates the fundamental principle of overcurrent protective system in underground LV cable networks.
40, Is this fundamental principle outdated ? Will it ever become outdated?
41, This is the fundamental principle behind the whole legislative proposal.
42, The method,[] its fundamental principle and measuring results of inhibition experiments are introduced.
43, The most fundamental principle in RMC is the separation of reusable core method content from its application in processes.
44, The fundamental principle of auto racing is that to finish first, you must first finish. That dictum is equally applicable to business and guides our every action at Berkshire.
45, It is carried out exploratory discussion about QH - Qijaing electronic jacquard and analyzed its fundamental principle.
46, This paper discusses the fundamental principle on designing microwave frequency multiplier, and the method of designing a kind of S-band microwave frequency multiplier.
47, This paper introduces the fundamental principle, actuality, applications and development of intelligent textiles.
48, This paper introduce the fundamental principle of three dimensional range imaging techniques and their receive system based on correlative phase discriminator.
49, The principle of indemnity is regarded as the fundamental principle of marine insurance law.
50, In this paper, firstly, the fundamental principle of expert system is described, and some rules of choicing service object and language tool are discussed.
51, The fundamental principle and calculation of potential hazardous index method were introduced.
52, This paper is mainly about the fundamental principle, structure and the applications of the piezoelectric sensor.
53, The fundamental principle of MR fluid fan clutch is introduced and a control system is designed.
54, The Principle of Directness and Verbalism is a fundamental principle that is universally established in the Civil Law System countries.
55, The fundamental principle of a two-dimensional position-sensitive detector based on microchannel plate is presented. The resistive anode plate and data read-out system of the detector were designed.
56, We have only one fundamental principle, namely, Tibet is an inalienable part of China.
57, The fundamental principle of the technology is introduced, and the application of the technology in processing of lightly saline and soft package pickle is intensively discussed.
58, The fundamental principle of the technology and the development of concoct food are introduced.
59, Section One gives policy warranty and fundamental principle of establishing the SMEs credit guarantee institution.
60, This paper discusses Low Dropout Line Regulator(LDO)'s fundamental principle and primary parameters, introduces its typical applications and development general situation of China.
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